
upcoming events

  • The Get Together

    May 2 - New York City

    We come to dance:

    To dance ugly, to dance happy, to dance the get through. To find ourselves, alone + together. Shedding fear + shame to let our wild parts out to play.

    These boundaries make space for us to get wild:

    1. No drinks on the dance floor

    2. No phones on the dance floor

    3. Love and respect everywhere

    4. Face each other, not the DJ

    Dress to express, dress to sweat, and come as you are.

  • PhDJ Michael V's Primal Disco

    May 4 - Upstate New York

    (a Body Lvnguage Dance Floor)

    PRIMAL DISCO is where we have a body / mind / soul / spirit ORGY under the sonic rain of dope ass music.

    PRIMAL DISCO is where we choose the dance medicine over the chemicals.

    It's where we have a fun AF time with people that love us for no reason. Let's go!

  • the DROP - Tasha BDAY edition

    June 6 - New York

    Welcome to a ritual of rhythm sanctified by sweat.

    Drop your expectations, inhibition, armor, agenda, baggage, and bulls*t.

    Drop into your body, breath, instinct, animal, pleasure, and play.


    Felings welcomed

    Catharsis encouraged